التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


عرض المشاركات من مارس, ٢٠١٩
’’هكذا هي قلوب الناس تخاف من تحقيق أحلامها الكبرى، لأنها تعتقد انها لا تستحق بلوغها، أو انها فعلا لا تقدر على بلوغها.‘‘   باولو كويلو
Top 10 grammar errors: Some errors in English have to avoid them. 1.     Lack of subject-verb agreement  Subjects and verbs agree in number. Examples: The dog growls when he is angry. [Singular] Dogs growl when they are angry. [Plural] 2.     Using the wrong pronoun   Incorrect: Everybody must write their own poem. Correct: Everybody must write his or her own poem. 3.     Incorrect use of apostrophes    Examples: Its vs. It's Its branches were falling. It's a cold day.   They're vs. Their They're ready to leave. They are on their way. 4.      Missing comma or semicolon in a compound sentence   Correct: she wanted to go, but she didn`t have a car. 5.     Writing run-on sentences  Incorrect: Tom is very cute, he is very popular at school.   Correct: Tom is very cute. He is very popular at school. 6. ...
ليست جميع العواصف تأتي لتعصف بحياتك،  بعضها تأتي لتمهد لك طريقك Not all storms come to disrupt your life  some come to clear tour path
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