15 Types of doctors: 15 نوعا من الأطباء 1. Dermatologist = skin specialist (اخصائي أمراض جلدية) 2. Cardiologist = heart specialist (اخصائي قلبِ) 3. Gynecologist/Gynaecologist = female disease specialist (طبيب نساء ) 4. Dentist = doctor of teeth & jaw bones (طبيب الاسنان) 5. Ophthalmologist = eye specialist (طبيب عيون) 6. Orthopedist = Muscle and bones expert (طبيب العظام َ) 7. Anesthesiologist = a specialist who administers an anesthetic to a patient before he is treated (طبيب تخدير) 8. Endocrinologist = diagnoses and treats diabetes, hormone imbalances, thyroid disease and other disorders of the endocrine system. (اخصائي الغدد الصّمّاء) 9. Gastroenterologist = specializes in diseases of the digestive system. (طبيب الامراض الباطنية) 10. Hematologist = a hematologist specializes in diseases of the blood and bone marrow. (اخصائي أمراض الدم) 11. Hepatologist = specializes in diseases of the liver. (طبيب
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