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Words used instead of Very

Words to use instead of 'VERY'  Lists of Words You Can Use Instead of “Very”

Very” is vague, weak and boring. People often use “very” as a lazy replacement for a more appropriate word.

Avoid the word “very” because it’s weak and vague. They were right, and many times, we use “very” as a modifier for a word that could easily be replaced with a stronger, more accurate word. These collection tells you what to use instead.

It's very good. That said, it gets used very, very, very frequently, and that can become very repetitive and very boring very quickly. Not all of these words are perfect (many pedants have already pointed out that "exact" is not really an exact replacement for "very accurate"). Not all of them will fit your needs, but if you write a lot and want to avoid sounding dull and generic, this list will be very useful to you.

Very angry          furious
Very bad             atrocious/awful
Very beautiful    exquisite
Very big               immense / massive/enormous 
Very capable      accomplished
Very clever          brilliant
Very cold             freezing
Very old               ancient
Very poor            destitute
Very quiet           silent/hushed
Very roomy         spacious
Very rude             vulgar
Very serious       solemn/grave
Very dirty             squalid/filthy 
Very fast              quick
Very good            superb/great
Very happy           jubilant / elated
Very hot               scalding
Very hungry        ravenous / starving/ famished
Very large            colossal
Very lively            vivacious
Very loved           adored
Very wise            sagacious
Very wicked       villainous
Very weak           feeble
Very valuable     precious
Very tired            exhausted
Very tasty           delicious
Very stupid         idiotic
Very strong        unyielding
Very small          tiny
Very worried      anxious
Very shocking   appalling
Very sad             devastated/sorrowful
Very pretty         gorgeous / beautiful
Very funny          hysterical
Very bright         dazzling
Very clean          spotless/  immaculate
Very noisy          deafening
Very creative     innovative           
Very short           brief
Very confused   perplexed
Very cute            adorable
Very crowded    bustling
Very accurate    exact
Very excited       thrilled
Very slow            sluggish
Very loud             thunderous
Very annoying    exasperating
Very afraid           terrified
Very eager           keen
Very rich              wealthy
Very talented      gifted
Very powerful     compelling
Very perfect        flawless
Very quick           rapid
Very scared        petrified
Very rainy            pouring
Very open            transparent
Very pale             ashen
Very scary           chilling
 Very painful       excruciating
Very often           frequently
Very fat                obese
Very simple         basic
Very shy               timid
Very shiny           gleaming
Very sharp           keen
Very little             tiny
Very hot               boiling
Very nasty           dreadful
Very unusual      extraordinary
Very cheerful      hilarious
Very funny           ridiculous
Very expensive          priceless
Very important          essential
Very dangerous         perilous
Very competitive       cutthroat
Very perfect/ideal      impeccable
Very old fashioned     archaic
In perfect condition   pristine

Adjectives in English divided into two parts:

Base adjectives
It's the basic of English adjectives and to make the base adjectives more strong we use the word 'very'
Strong adjectives=Very + base adjectives
Fantastic = Very good

Strong adjectives
 Instead of using the word 'very' with base adjectives we use strong adjectives. We can't use 'very' with strong adjectives but use
' absolutely ' to exaggerate of describing the adjective.
Very good
Very fantastic 
Absolutely fantastic

We can use the word 'really' with base
adjectives and strong adjectives.
She is really bad. Her speech was really terrible.


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

أفضل طريقة للتدرب الذاتي على الترجمة

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لا يوجد أبرد من المرأة حين تتجاهل... ولا أكثر جنوناً منها حين تحب
"اجعلني يا الله ابنه بارة، وأخت رحيمة، وصديقة وفيّة، وعلى العابرين غيمة مرّت ولا ضرّت.“  Oh Allah, Make me a righteous daughter, compassionate sister, faithful friend, and a passing cloud passed without any harm.